Thursday, 3 April 2014

Theme:If water can float a boat, it can sink it too...

The lush-red rose seems to have withered,
The very foundation of my life drained.
All that remains is but a mortal heart,
Drenched in tears; beaten and pained.
I stand now on the enticing ledge,
Lifeless, loveless, obnoxious yet free.
The night is young; subtle, alluring,
And now it all comes back to me...

I remember the day I met her first,
A solemn rainbow reigned the skies.
A perfect girl, a faultless angel,
She was love, she was beauty, not just a guise...

We loved each other everyday till now,
Till envious fate chose to break this man's heart.
So now I stand here ready to depart,
Left at the hands of Fate's cruel art...

For love that can keep a heart beating,
Can shred it like it was never true.
Because water that can float a boat,
Can just as easily sink it too...

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